
Be a snapcaper ! Join Community of Mobile-Photographers

FAQ - Content Buyers

Yes. It is easy and quick to create a task requesting the images you need, from SnapCape, to meet your exact requirements. You can create a task for SnapCapers within a specific geographical area or globally. Also, tasks are a great way to absorb your online and social media audiences.

The space here enables you to create a task using our self-service model. However, if you're uncomfortable with the model you always have our super supportive sales team to refer to!
While you create the task, do bear a few simple things in mind. We understand the role of visual effects in building awareness around important issues, but it is highly recommended that you avoid creating tasks that could bring up images emphasising and promoting aggression, hostility or arousing speeches, as sticking to community standards and interests is are priority. Call us bigoted, but pornography or nudity or vulgarity in any form is a big NO NO here!

Yes. Photos and videos from a particular location can be searched for, using SnapCape's search tools that enable you to search by location and keyword(s). Also the space has features that help you set email alerts for keywords or locations, such as images snapped from Malaysia

Every image uploaded by the user on SnapCape, is made to undergoa scan by our Intelligent system to check for copyrights on the image. Also the scan ensuresimage information recorded by the camera, i.e., time and location, along with information about the photographer. Also available is the map of the location in the photo, at the SnapCape store.

Yes. SnapCape's content has been organized in a manner to fall fit with the Standard classification model. In addition, photos include keywords and particular location information. Any and all classification yardsticks can be used for searches.

On uploading of images, SnapCape bears the copyrights. But on the purchase of images SnapCapepermanently transfers the publishing rights to the buyer following the licensing terms.If you have purchased photos through your tasks you own the exclusive rights for theimages.

The money earned by the photographer after the purchase of images uploaded by him/her, are deposited into their personal SnapCape accounts. The SnapCapers photographers can then either withdraw their earnings from their bank accounts or by using electronic payment providers such as PayPal.

FAQ - Photographers

Beginning with SnapCape

The SnapCape app is a platform which recognises everyone who has a smartphone as a photographer where they can showcase their expertise and also offer their work for sale. Also, the users can benefit themselves by participating in tasks run by media companies and brands, as well as by participating in daily contests where they can put their skills to show.

It's free to download and use like all other apps like Facebook, Flipkart and the rest. However data usage while uploading photos and videos may incur additional wireless carrier fees and depending on your mobile plan, data fees may increase